Month 7-8
Interns will spend 2 months at a different one of CBM’s camps. CBM National will determine which camp is best-suited to fulfill each particular intern’s current needs for development, based upon that camp’s strongest ministries. The interns’ needs at this juncture will likely be different than they were during Field Experience 1, leading to a different focus during this experience. The selected camp will focus on training interns in a particular area of ministry, based on specific learning objectives from the below list. Interns will also be able to obtain additional skills (minors) at this camp, in their spare time. Additionally, they will be expected to serve in a local church when schedules allow, participate in weekly conference calls with CBM National, and complete reading and writing assignments.
- Released Time
- Establishing new schools
- Classroom management
- Storytelling
- Evangelism
- Relationship-building with churches, schools, and parents
- Group Ministries
- Calendaring
- Marketing/advertising
- Policies
- Customer service/PR
- Account management
- Finances
- After-School Bible Clubs
- Classroom management
- Storytelling
- Evangelism
- Relationship-building with churches, schools, and parents
- Next Level and sports ministries
- Refereeing
- Coaching
- Mentoring
- Organization skills
- Bible Correspondence lessons
- Grading
- Recording
- Organization skills
- Radio programming
- Operational and facilities management
- Food Service
- Standards
- Menu planning
- Ordering
- Time management
- Cooking and food prep basics
- Development
- Outdoor Ministries
- Creation Classroom
- Creation Critters
- Apologia Chapters
- Wilderness Survival
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