Correspondence Lessons-CBM

The next C in the three C’s of CBM is Correspondence Lessons.

mailboxDoes your child like to get mail?  Mailbox Club is a free, fun way to get mail with their name on it and learn more about God! This is how it works…

1) Fill out the application and mail it to the Mailbox Club Teacher.

2) After the first Mailbox Club lesson comes, have fun reading the stories and answer the questions.

3) Then mail the question page back to the Mailbox Club teacher and wait for the next lesson!

Also, parents your child could earn a $50 scholarship towards CBM Summer Camp simply by completing a set of free Mailbox Club lessons. For more information and to request an application for your child you can contact the areas that offer this program.

Ponderosa Bible Camp
Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go
Camp Victory
Camp Grace
CBM of VA – Camp Red Arrow

Did you know that over 26,000 Mailbox Lessons were given out last year and over 18,000 were returned to earn a discount toward summer camp!

CBM exists to evangelize the unreached, disciple believers, (including school students and adults) encourage and equip them for active service for Jesus Christ in their community, local church and on to the world! One way we do this is through the Mailbox program.

Views: 3251

10 Replies to "Correspondence Lessons-CBM"

  • Richard Langat
    July 24, 2013 (6:22 pm)

    We have interested evangelizing children and need training.

  • donnie curd
    February 20, 2014 (1:02 am)

    i don’t know how to get a acount.

    • xWk37gTeJC58f3S
      February 24, 2014 (3:14 pm)

      Please contact our office at 865-4448-1200 and someone will be glad to talk with you.

  • Janie Luckey
    September 23, 2016 (1:14 pm)

    I am very interested in your mailbox club and will love to teach my children about Christian living my name is Janie Luckey 2560 Dillon hwy, lake view south Carolina 29563 I have five children will you please send me the mailbox club course thank you

    • Author
      September 23, 2016 (3:21 pm)

      Please contact our office at 865-4448-1200 and someone will be glad to talk with you.

  • Todd Humphreys
    July 24, 2018 (10:12 pm)

    I would love for my children to be studying the Bible with their father, do you have any father and son/daughter studies?

  • Lynn Hunter
    July 27, 2018 (2:55 am)

    My 8 year old daughter and as well as myself would live Bible lessons pls

  • Anny Jo
    March 31, 2019 (5:09 am)

    How long has this been going on because this sounds exactly like something I participated in when I was in middle school and jr high in the mid to late 80s and I loved it! It was the only mail I got just for me and helped me through a pretty rough time in my life. I think I had reached all the lessons they had for kids so I stopped getting them in jr high. Like being too old for children’s church. Lol

  • Donnell Gibson
    July 8, 2019 (4:21 am)

    I am wanting a new way of teaching my boys about God’s grace and unconditional love. Also how to live in this world being a Christian, believer and follower of Jesus Christ.

  • Debbie Beaver
    October 23, 2020 (1:03 pm)

    Prayers for all the familys

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