Be Still and Know that I am God
Our camp director at Camp Gilead wrote about being still and knowing that God is still on the throne and that His Word is the same-yesterday, today, and forever.
Following is a note from a mother of a camper from this summer:
I just wanted to take a moment to say “Thank You” for all that you did with working it out for my daughter to be able to be at camp this summer! You know I feel like we all need camp sometimes to get away from this crazy rat race that we are living in. We get so very stagnant and take so much for granted. We serve an AWESOME God and even just seeing my daughter’s change of attitude has blessed me and my walk with our Heavenly Father also! I want to thank everyone that is involved with Camp Gilead, as I know it takes each and every person to make it work and please know that I pray for all of you and thank you all tremendously! You know I was so amazed and blessed in that the first thing my daughter started sharing was the Pastor was the most awesome Pastor she had ever heard. She said, “Mom, I love our Pastor, but the camp Pastor this week made it to where I really understand things so much more and I want to serve.” So, with tears of joy I THANK YOU ALL!
Testimonies like that let us know that God is still working in the hearts of children and teens. We just need to “be still and know that God is still God”.
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