Page 13 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
P. 13


          This year has been filled with many challenges for everyone. As you think of CBM during your quiet time each day we ask that you would uplift
          this ministry and the workers in your prayers. We have highlighted some specific things you could be praying for. We are thankful for those who
          continually uplift us in prayer!

                  Summer Camp: Pray for each of our camping areas as they begin to get ready for the upcoming summer camp programs.
                  Pray that God would allow summer camps to happen at all of our locations and that lockdowns or precautions would not
                  stop them. Pray also for health and safety for the workers and campers as they prepare and attend. Ask that God would bring
                  the right workers at the right time!

                  Released Time: With the COVID situation, our ability to go to schools and share the gospel through the Released Time
                  ministry has been hampered this year. Pray that God would allow the ministry to get back to normal as soon as possible. It
                  looks like the earliest things will be able to return to normal may be the Fall of 2021. Pray that those who usually teach these
                  classes would be preparing and encouraged during this unique time.

                  Mailbox Club: Pray for all of the students who are currently involved in this ministry. Ask for the Lord to move the hearts of
                  students who may not be involved to sign up for the program. Pray for the Lord to give the right words to those who correct
                  the lessons and mail them out, and that this will be an encouragement to each one of these students.

                  Leadership: With everything that has gone on, pray for the leadership in each area of ministry. Pray that they would be
                  seeking God’s will through prayer, scriptural meditation, and fasting. Ask God to give them divine guidance and resilience as
                  they continue to deal with new regulations because of COVID and try to move forward.

                  “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves,

                  and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways,

                  then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and

                  heal their land.”

                                                                                  2 Chronicles 7:14

          LIVING BY FAITH........................

          Children’s Bible Ministries is a faith-based ministry where the full-time staff have to raise their financial support to sustain them. This year has
          been challenging for many families, but at the same time, we have seen God bless our camps. When many other ministries and camping facilities
          had to shut down due to financial burdens, we could remain open due, in great part, to those who continue to support this ministry faithfully.
          Without those faithful people who are willing to give, our year could have looked much different; CBM has had zero layoffs or camp closures.

          We want to thank everyone who has given their support to CBM over the years and this past year, especially. We understand that some of you
          may not be able to give because of financial hardships due to the ongoing COVID situation, and that is ok. God is faithful, and we put our trust
          in Him to sustain our ministry. We want to acknowledge that our ministry has been able to flourish because of those who volunteer their time,
          donate, and pray. So again, thank you for helping us to weather this storm. We ask you to pray with us as we venture into 2021 that God would
          provide ways for our ministry to continue to reach children and families.


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