Page 14 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
P. 14


                                       Recognizing some of those who faithfully served the

                                       calling of God on their lives!

           Cathy Garber 45 years of service

                                                                  I checked in as a Volunteer – I’m checking out as a
                                                                  I started my journey with CBM as a volunteer counselor at
                                                                  Camp Gilead, Polk City, FL in 1974. I was challenged at the
                                                                  end of one of my Bible School years, by one of my college
                                                                  friends, to give the Lord one summer and serve Him at a
                                                                  Christian camp. I took him up on the challenge! It was one
                                                                  of the best summers of my life! Before the summer camp
                                                                  program began, I remember very vividly kneeling down with
                                                                  Miss Edith, in her office, and dedicating my life to serve the
                                                                  Lord full-time. It was a great summer being an “away from
                                                                  home Mom” to each of the ten energetic girls for the eight
                                                                  weeks of camp that first summer! Being able to tuck each of
                                                                  them in at night, and to pray with each one, was a treasured
                                                                  time that often ended in the privilege of leading a few precious
                                                                  little ones to the Lord.  There was no greater thrill for me than
                                                                  to see their love for the Lord blossom and grow. At the end of
                                                                  the summer, I volunteered to be a counselor all over again the
                                                                  next summer! Those two summers I learned some especially
                                                                  important lessons: how to pray, how to trust the Lord, how
          to lead a child to Christ, how to teach children the Word of God, how to cook camp food with Miss Hazel, and how to
          follow and give instructions. The most important lesson for me to learn was how to love the Lord and trust Him daily
          with my life. That was the start of my 45-year long adventure.

          Over the years, I have had the privilege of serving the Lord full-time in several of our CBM Areas. I’ve been mentored
          by some of CBM’s unique and fine leaders! Every year brought new excitement, new friendships, new growth spiritually
          and mentally, new battles to overcome, and new challenges to learn and to teach others. I am sure, from time to time, I
          was a “challenge” to those over me! Verses that kept me going are found in Philippians 3:12-14, “…but I focus on this
          one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive
          the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us.” After 45 years as a CBM full-time missionary I
          plan, Lord willing, to go back to my volunteer role and help where and when I am able, to move the ministry of CBM


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