Page 18 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
P. 18

Interns currently in the program!
                          CBM INTERNSHIP PROGRAM

                                                                                                                                         Pray for them as they learn about working in full-time ministry!

         What is the Purpose?

          By Jacquelyn (JP) Davis, Internship Coordinator
          In 2014, the CBM National Directors were talking to missionaries across the
          country and they kept hearing one prayer or plea, “We need new missionaries.”
          As they prayed, they began feeling God call them to begin the Internship
          Program with the vision of raising up the next generation of missionaries. The
          CBM Internship exists to encourage young people to experience missions
          by training them to discover their gifts, understand how God can use their
          passions, and to develop their skills, in order to activate and mobilize them for
          ministry. Our goal is to help young people see what missions is and to count
          the cost. Whether God leads them to serve in their local communities, to
          support missionaries on the field, or to answer the call themselves to full-time
          ministry, our desire is they would understand the mission of the church and
          desire to be an active part of it. Our constant prayer is that God would send
          more laborers into the harvest.

          Matthew 9:37-38 “Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful,
          but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest
          to send out laborers into His harvest.”

                                                                          CBM Equals Family

                                                                          By Zach Jones, Internship Coordinator

                                                                          What CBM means to me is family. Ever since I started being
                                                                          associated with CBM, I always felt the family atmosphere in the
                                                                          camp environments and from a national perspective. Through
                                                                          the toughest times in my life, CBM was always there for me by
                                                                          various missionaries praying for me, making sure that everything
                                                                          is okay. Galatians 6:2 states, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so
                                                                          fulfill the law of Christ.” Since I have been with CBM, this verse
                                                                          has been truly lived out as each missionary is willing to carry
                                                                          one another’s burdens and show the love of Christ to everyone.
                                                                          Family has always been an important part of my life, and CBM
                                                                          is truly a family, which is key to sharing the gospel to others
                                                                          around the world.

                                                                          I am looking forward to working with the Internship Program to
                                                                          help believers be able to get experience in missions and ministry.
          I want and I pray that interns can be part of the next generation of harvesters that are sent into the field. Our verses for the CBM Internship are
          Matthew 9:37-38, which is where Jesus is stating that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. I am praying that, through my work with
          the Internship, the Lord will build up more laborers and send them out in the field to help share the gospel to unreached people. Just as CBM
          feels like a family, that is what we want to build in the Internship, a family atmosphere that allows the interns to grow as believers and carry each
          other’s burdens.


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