Page 23 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
P. 23

usually have 1,000 or more students enroll each school year. It is so rewarding to read comments that students write. Some of the lessons ask “Have
         you taken the Lord Jesus as your Savior? And when?” Here are some of the answers:

          “Just now”  | “At Camp Victory” | “While reading this lesson today” | (my personal favorite) “On the toilet”

         Several courses ask “What have you learned?” One student’s response said they learned more about God’s love for them. They also said they
         would be studying these booklets and the Bible more. Another student learned how to put their beliefs in God’s facts. They also learned that God
         disciplines us so that we can walk in obedience to Him. Another learned that Jesus is our everything! Please pray for the students who do these

         The Mailbox Club changes lives in many ways.  Many of the Bible lessons include a salvation question.  Many students answer that question with
         “no” or “not yet.”  What a joy it is when, in a later lesson, one of them answers “today.”  Salvation is not the only way the Mailbox Club impacts
         people. One girl wrote me a letter saying that she had a nightmare and then, shortly after that, received her next Bible lesson which was about fear,
         and that it helped her.  Isaiah 55:11 says that God’s Word never returns void. We will never know the full impact of the lessons, but we can trust
         God’s promises to never fail.

         If you would like to learn more about Mailbox Club Lessons, how to get started, or how you can get discounts to go to camp, visit our website:

                                                                                         Like many other ministries, companies, and
                                                                                         individuals, our camping ministry had to
                                                                                         adjust this summer. Due to the lockdowns and
                                                                                         restrictions, we were not able to have normal
                                                                                         summer camp at any of our locations. Some of
                                                                                         our camps decided to just do day camps, others
                                                                                         shortened the camping season to only a couple
                                                                                         of weeks, a couple of our camps were able to
                                                                                         have a full summer with special modifications,
                                                                                         and some decided to try an interactive
                                                                                         approach, developing camp-in-a-box programs.
                                                                                         Though the methods may have looked different
                                                                                         this past summer, the message will always be
                                                                                         the primary goal of our camping programs. We
                                                                                         aim to share the gospel with as many children
                                                                                         as God brings our way.
         Summer 2021 already has a great buildup to it. Campers who missed the opportunity to attend a week of summer camp last year can’t wait for the
         opportunity this year. Workers who normally devote their entire summer to camping programs are eager to see their facilities filled with children
         again. Pray that the Lord would protect the campers, staff, and facilities as they prepare for the camping season. Pray that the message would
         continue to remain the clear call of the gospel no matter what the methods might be. Summer camp is always a great place for students to come and
         escape the world for a little bit and focus on God.
         If you know of any students who would like to go to summer camp this year, please consider sending them to one of our camps. If you need a list
         of our camps they can be found on our website ( Even if you are not close enough to one of CBM’s camps, we
         encourage you to find a nearby Bible-centered camp to attend. No matter if it is us or others sharing the gospel, we want to see children reached
         with the Gospel of Jesus Christ this summer!


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