Page 15 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
P. 15

Jim & Mary Miller 46 years of service

         I, Stephen Holmes (CBM Missionary),
         had the privilege of sitting down with
         Jim and talking about his time in the
         ministry of CBM. Though Jim grew up
         in the ministry, it was not his plan to
         go into camping ministry with CBM.
         It wasn’t that he was opposed to the
         ministry or anything like that; it just
         wasn’t what he thought he would be
         doing with his life. However, after
         graduating from college, there was a
         need at Camp Victory for help with
         maintenance. Jim and Mary decided
         they would go there and help in May
         of 1972, not realizing that would be the
         beginning of a journey that has lasted
         until today. More than once, Jim talked
         about how he couldn’t have scripted this
         adventure, even if he wanted to.

         When starting out with CBM at Camp Victory, Jim and Mary began working without having any supporters. Being close
         to home, Jim knew that his mom wouldn’t let them starve. Today, CBM holds classes (called G.R.O.W. Training) to help
         new missionaries learn how to find supporters and network with people proactively. Even though Jim and Mary did not
         benefit from this type of training, God was faithful and provided for all of their needs. Many times God brought precisely
         what they needed when they needed it. Jim also talked about how one of the most significant provisions God brought
         their way was learning to be content with what God provided. It can be challenging to be in ministry if you are always
         comparing what you have with others. Still, if you learn to be content with what God has provided you with, it doesn’t
         matter what you don’t have. Philippians 4:12-13, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I
         have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or
         in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”

         Jim admits that there could have been more comfortable ways to make a living over the years, but there would not have
         been any more fulfilling or rewarding way that he could have seen living his life. Jim said that one of the best things God
         ever gave him to help him over the years was Mary. They have worked through the difficult times but still labor for the Lord
         together. “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord,” Proverbs 18:22.

         When thinking about advice he wished he could have given himself when he started, or that he would give to future
         leaders, Jim said, “First, be a servant, and wherever that takes you is up to God.” Jim talked about the importance of being
         willing to do what needs to be done. Work with those who you are privileged to be leading. Trust those who God has
         placed you with and allow them to use their gifts for God’s glory; don’t try and micromanage them.

         Today, even though Jim and Mary are technically retired, you can still find both of them working around Camp Victory,
         Mary in the office and Jim on the grounds. As someone who has seen an example of lives lived for God, I am thankful for
         everything that Jim and Mary have done over the years and their faithfulness to God’s calling.


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