Page 16 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
P. 16


         Wayne & Evalena Knauss

         Jesus Led Us All the Way
         “Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:7
         Object of this article: Give glory to His name, encourage others, and never doubt if God
         can use YOU!

         In September 1969, we (Wayne, Evalena, and our two sons Greg and Brad) moved from
         Indiana to Knoxville. We had worked some with young people at the Brethren Chapel
         in Indianapolis. In looking for a Bible-teaching church, the Lord led us to Berean Bible
         Church where we were soon introduced to CBM missionaries, Bob and Bea McNeil.
         They invited Greg to a Bible hour in a home where we soon heard about a youth camp
         named Ta-Pa-Win-Go. Christian camping was new to us. In the spring of 1973, our
         young family went to help prepare camp for summer, and again that fall, to close for the
         winter. In 1974, Mr. Mike Birkner, deputation secretary for CBM, spoke at Berean telling
         of all the ways people could serve the Lord in CBM. God spoke to me that morning,
         that even though I was not highly educated or gifted, He could use me in a way I did not
         know. Since being exposed to the truth and remembering where we came from, “Therefore
         remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called ‘the uncircumcision’ by what
         is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands - remember that you were
         at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and
         without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:11-12), I had a desire to serve the Lord in some way.

         In 1974, I was asked to meet with the Knox Co. CBM committee for prayer concerning the work which covered in-school chapels, memorizing
         verses, and lessons. Soon after, I was called on to MC the Knox Co. CBM banquet fundraiser attended by 225 people. That night, with great fear,
         I began to serve the Lord in a way that I did not feel adequate. God was faithful and, around 1978, I was asked to serve on the Ta-Pa-Win-Go
         Board, 110 miles away (still Chairman today).
         At that time, Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go bought 50 adjoining acres, made some upgrades, and was struggling financially, nearly causing the camp to
         close. God graciously provided the funds and good directors such as Mike Whitehouse, Jim Kramm, and, currently, Dave and Kathy Johnson.
         Through the great leadership, high energy, good ideas, facility upgrades, and a desire to enlarge the ministry, God has blessed Ta-Pa-Win-Go. A
         volunteer, John Hartley, became involved, joined the Ta-Pa-Win-Go Board and was the driving force behind three new cabins, a shop, climbing
         tower, and many other upgrades.

         I was asked to join the CBM National Board in 1985. The Wa-Floy property (CBM HQ before TRC) was in the process of being donated to
         CBM, which required much work before the transfer of the property. Many volunteers were needed to accomplish the condition of transfer; so
         Jerry Traister sounded the alarm and God stirred work volunteers to come from the four corners of the US. What a blessing to get to know, work,
         and fellowship with believers from across America. God provided skill sets of all kinds, and some, to our surprise, the day before we needed them.
         They brought their tools, talents, and sweet, willing spirits. The mission was accomplished and property transferred. In 1997, CBM sold Wa-Floy
         back to the original donor and started the search for a facility that better suited its needs.

                Bob Sluder, Ken Wright, and Wayne                            Evalena                                        Wayne                          Connie Simpson and Evalena

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