Page 9 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
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             Gitche Gumee Bible Camp
                 Gitche Gumee Bible Camp is located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Gitche Gumee is run by a former Camp Gilead
                 counselor, whose grandfather founded Gitche in 1935. They became a CBM Affiliate in 2019.
             Project Georgia
                 In the past, CBM had done ministry in Georgia, but it had been on hold for several years, since the missionary who once oversaw
                 that work went to be with the Lord. In early 2019, the Lord began working in the heart of a former CBM Missionary, Naomi
                 Milam, to rejoin CBM and reestablish CBM ministry in Georgia. Project Georgia (dba New Creation Ministries) was started to
                 reach children, teens, and their families through Kids’ Clubs, motel ministry, and more. In 2020, God also touched the heart of
                 Naomi’s husband, Luke (also a former CBM Missionary), and he joined Naomi in the work of Project Georgia. They hope to hold
                 summer camp at a rented camp property in 2021.

             CBM of the United Kingdom
                 CBM of the United Kingdom was incorporated as CBM’s first International Area
                 of Ministry. CBM of the UK’s branch is based in London, where CBM Missionary
                 Greg Burton is ministering through basketball clubs in the borough of Ealing. He
                 is working with the London Pulse Basketball League to train, mentor, and coach
                 kids, and he coaches in clinic, camp, team, and individual settings. He is also using
                 Academic Enrichment activities to train, encourage, and equip students and parents
                 through after-school activities, seminars, and other individual and group events and
                 programs. His wife Brittany connects with local women through homeschool groups.
                 Greg is also CBM’s International Mobilizer.


             Project Utah
                 In the years leading up to 2020, God burdened the hearts of CBM Intern Graduates, Katlyn Carney and Sarah Pafford, for the
                 people of Utah. On a one-year assignment, they are serving alongside Awaken City Church in Herriman to reach the children in
                 this community. Their goal is to move toward establishing after-school Bible Clubs and Released Time, as the Lord allows.

             Project Guatemala
                 In 2018, CBM Intern Graduate Ryanne Stout was raising support to become
                 a full-time CBM Missionary and praying about where God would send her.
                 The CBM Intern Teams’ overseas mission trip that year was to Little Lambs
                 Orphanage in Guatemala, whose biggest need was a full-time missionary to
                 grow their horse program. God had been preparing Ryanne for this her whole
                 life, and her desire was always for full-time horse ministry. Ryanne began
                 her one-year assignment there in January of 2020 (returning to the US in
                 November 2020 for a respite due to the pandemic), and returned January of
                 2021, to continue fulfilling God’s plan for her there.

             Project Knoxville
                 In 2010, Angela Achenbach, a public school teacher, became acquainted with CBM by volunteering at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go.
                 In 2014, she left her job to become a full-time CBM Missionary in the public schools through Bible Released Time (BRT). The
                 Lord has burdened Angela’s heart for the children of Knox County, and it is her desire to partner with local churches to reach
                 public school students with the gospel through the expansion of BRT.

 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my   witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

                                                                                                Acts 1:8                    9

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