Page 8 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
P. 8

Moldova Mission
                               Camp Ozone          became a CBM
                               was operated as a   International
                               Christian camp in   Affiliate.
                               the 1940s and 50s,   Emmanuel Church
                               and later sold to a   was planted in
                               local church, so it   Cahul with the
                               has a great history   help of New Life
            Interlocking       and legacy with     Camp. They have a
            Ministries became   the community.     ministry called The
            CBM’s first        In 2014, it was     English Project,   The Filling Station
            International      introduced to       which is held on   Honduras was
            Affiliate. They hold   the new CBM     site at the church,   founded to feed
            CBM-style camps,   National Directors   and is the only way   the community of
            as well as open-   during the first    most people there   El Filtro physically
            air evangelism     month in their      will enter a church.   and spiritually.
            and True Love      position. It was    Camp Emmanuel      They affiliated with
            Waits programs     under contract with   was 100%         CBM in 2015,
            on Mfangano        a large nonprofit   completed in 2020,   and in 2019, they
            Island and the     ministry at that    and there are also 2   became a CBM
            mainland of Kenya.   time, but God saw   orphan houses on   Area known as
            Operations are     fit that they would   the property. Their   CBM of Honduras.
            overseen by Bobby   back out and CBM   goal for these is to   CBM has taken
            Johnson based out   would have it      provide housing    many mission
            of the U.S., and   instead. They held   and jobs for those   teams there to run
            a national, Pastor   their first summer   rescued from    VBS and summer
            Eliazar Wambo.     camp in 2015.       human trafficking.  camps.
           2011 2015 2017 2019

                    But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my   witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
           8                                                                                                                                                                                                              Acts 1:8

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