Page 7 - The Channel Spring 2021 _FINAL_
P. 7

1992 1996 1997 2000 2007 2010

            In 1984, work      CBM of the Great    In 1955, ministry   CBM’s National      Since 1938, CBM     After many years
            began in Maryland,   Southwest was an   started through the   Office, having   of Virginia has been   of prayer and work,
            reaching children   established ministry   teaching of Bible   originated in   working to share the   CBM of Southwest
            with the gospel.   working with        lessons in the public   Lakeland, FL, and   gospel with children.   PA was gifted a
            In 1992, the work   camps and school   school system in    then relocating to   In 2007, a 48-acre   property by Consul
            done in Maryland   ministries that     North Carolina.     Gatlinburg, TN (in   camp was given as   Energy. In 2010,
            officially became   joined with CBM    In 1997, 240 acres   1998), purchased   a gift to start their   they were able to
            part of CBM. Pray   in 1996 to continue   were donated for   Tuckaleechee      own camp, Camp      have their first
            for God to bring   the work God had    the development of   Retreat Center     Red Arrow.          summer camp on
            more workers and   already given them.   a camp, and Camp   in 2000. It is the                     their own property,
            provide a camp                         Grace was born.     site of CBM’s                           which is now named
            property of their                                          Missionary                              Camp Cornerstone.
            own.                                                       Training, Internship
                                                                       Program, and 6
                                                                       cabins for year-
                                                                       round use by
                                                                       churches, pastors,
                                                                       missionaries, or
                                                                       anyone else looking
                                                                       for a Smoky
                                                                       Mountain getaway.


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