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                           CBM NATIONAL DIRECTORS

         We are so excited to share with you the Spring 2021 issue of The Channel: HOPE. So much has changed since the last publication in Summer
         2018! Our entire world looks different. Our way of life has changed. We have conversations containing phrases that would have sounded
         otherworldly to us just one year ago. “Quarantine.” “Mask up.” “Social distance.” Despite every change, every sorrow, and every seeming setback, our
         God has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has also not stopped using His people to continue propelling the gospel, “that
         the whole world may know.”

         CBM was blessed to accomplish much ministry in 2020! Many children heard and responded to the gospel. Bible Lessons were completed.
         Scripture was hidden in many hearts. In some of our locations, children were able to attend camp (face-to-face, virtually, and through camp-in-a-
         box programs) and hear about a Savior who would forgive and change them, and become their Heavenly Father, through His atoning sacrifice on
         the cross and His defeat of death three days later. Men, women, boys, and girls placed their faith in Jesus Christ through CBM’s work. Praise the
         Lord with us for what He has done! We will persevere by the power of His might until He calls us home.

         Our goal for this edition of The Channel is that the readers would marvel at God’s work, His provision, and His faithfulness. We want to declare the
         greatness of His majesty by sharing about the new missionaries He’s called into the field, the support He’s allowed them to raise even during this
         unusual season, the obstacles overcome by our CBM missionaries, and even the new areas into which God has allowed CBM to expand.

         2020 was one of the best financial years CBM and TRC have ever had. We asked you to help us not only survive, but thrive, through this trial.
         We were able to come out on the other side stronger than ever before. In December, through our Virtual Fundraiser, CBM was able to provide 6
         of its Areas (Camp Ozone, Camp Victory, Camp Cornerstone, Camp Grace, Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go, and Camp Red Arrow) with a financial gift.
         We were also able to assist Camp Gilead with funding and completing many property projects. Additionally, we were able to send funds to help
         Interlocking Ministries in Kenya purchase a new piece of property to help train up missionaries, and send funds to The Filling Station to help with
         a Christmas dinner for the local community in Honduras. We truly believe the Lord has used you to enable CBM to do all of this! This is His

         Thank you to everyone who has given to CBM through your finances, your time, and your expertise. You are so valuable to us, and your support is
         such an encouragement. The treasures that you are laying up are eternal. They make the work of the gospel possible here on this earth, but more than
         that, God sees and promises to reward. May God richly reward you for your support of CBM and its stateside and international mission, and for
         your pursuit of His eternal Kingdom. Thank you for being a part of this ministry!

                                                                                        Lincoln and Jamie Simmons

                              Stay In Touch!                                                  Follow Us!
           The Channel is printed and mailed on an annual                CBM:
           basis. If you wish to hear from us more often about        
           how God is working in CBM, contact us to be added                    Facebook: ChildrensBibleMinistriesCbm
           to our list to receive monthly or bimonthly e-mails.                 Online Giving:

                                  MAIL:                                  TRC:
                            160 Bear Lodge Dr                                   Facebook: Tuckaleechee.Retreat.Center
                           Townsend, TN 37882
                                                                         CBM INTERNSHIP:
                      CBM OFFICE: 865-448-1200                                  Facebook: cbmintern
                      TRC OFFICE: 800-487-6659                                  Instagram: @cbminternlife
                           FAX: 865-448-1233


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