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                  “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’” Matthew 9:37-38

                            We praise God for the way He is answering this prayer! At the time of this publication, 16 Intern Alumni have been called into full-time Christian ministry, whether with CBM or another ministry!
          The purpose of the CBM National Internship is training and equipping prospective missionaries by developing their skills, helping them discover their God-given passion and purpose, and mobilizing them to achieve their potential.

                                  Team 1 - Graduated September 2015                                                                                         Team 3 - Graduated September 2016

           Justin Rorex             Tori Ford              Ada Smith             David Davidson          Ryanne Stout                           Mark Martens           Timmy Martens            Scott & Jerri             Paul Daly
         Justin has spent May   Tori has just graduated   In May 2016, Ada married   David is at full support   Ryanne served at CBM’s         Mark married Katelyn   Timmy is at full support   Carpenter            Paul served at CBM’s
         2017-present as the    from the University of   Brandon Smith, and on   and serving full-time at   Camp Red Arrow for the             Kohoutek in October     and serving full-time   Scott and Jerri are living   Camp Gilead this past
        first participant in CBM   Central Florida with her   March 28, 2018, she gave   CBM’s Camp Grace as the   summer, and is now the       2016, and they are    as the Teen Ministries   at CBM’s Camp Gilead,   summer. He will be
         National’s Pre-Field   Bachelor’s in Social Work.   birth to their first baby,   Guest Group/Hospitality   second participant in       currently living and   Director and Media Lead   while they raise support   attending college full time
        Training Program, living   She is raising support   Lucas. Ada and Brandon   Coordinator and Kitchen   CBM National’s Pre-Field       helping at CBM’s Camp   at CBM’s Camp Grace.   to join the ministry full-    this fall.
       at and serving with CBM   to serve with Wycliffe   are raising support to     Manager.           Training Program.                      Grace, while they are   During the summer, he   time. They have two sons,
        National while he has   Bible Translators as a   move from Oklahoma to                                                               raising support to join the   serves in additional roles.  MJ and Captain (not
       been raising support to be   Volunteer and Intern   Tennessee to join CBM                                                                ministry full-time.                               pictured).
       able to serve full-time at a   Placement Coordinator   National full-time.
            CBM Area.          out of Orlando. She will
                               get married on Oct. 21.

                                                           Team 2 - Graduated December 2015                                                                   Team 4 - Graduated December 2016
       Meet the Intern Coordinator

                            Jacquelyn (JP) Davis
                            has  been  serving  as
                            CBM  National’s  Intern
                            Coordinator     since
                            January   2016,  after
                            having served at various
                            camps  as  a  counselor,
                            head   counselor,  and
                            registrar  intern.  Her
                            calling  is  to  encourage
                            and  equip  prospective
                            missionaries  for  the     David & Elizabeth         Sarah Pafford          Capree Simons                                       Andrew Willis          Jordan Mancari         Stephanie Schwan
                            field. JP recognizes that         Price            Sarah served at CBM’s   Capree is living in Daytona                        Andrew married Moriah   Jordan is living in West   In August of 2018,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Virginia, and praying
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Stephanie will move
                            missions is not for the    David and Elizabeth now   Camp Gilead this past   Beach, FL, and working                            Johnson in November   everything works out with   to Moldova as CBM’s
                                                                                                                                                            2017, and they are
     faint of heart, and her passion is to help strengthen   have two children, Micah   summer and is living   at a Toyota dealership.                    currently at full support,   a new vehicle and new   first missionary to be
     the ministry.  CBM is grateful for her dedication   and Joanna. The family is   in Polk City, FL. She is   She is also self-employed,                 living at and serving   job. He is seeking God’s   sent overseas. She will
     to her position and  the godly  way she  leads this   living in Dillon, SC, where   working with doctors   running her own business                   full-time with CBM’s   will in one day returning to   be teaching English at
                                                                                 towards finding a
     program  and  nurtures  all  of  the  young  people  that   David is a Private with the   treatment for chronic pain,   from home.                   Camp Grace. Andrew is        ministry.        Emmanuel Church. She will
     God brings her way.                              Dillon Police Department.  and praying about serving                                                 a Groundskeeper and                          also serve at the camp and
     Questions? Email                                    full-time with CBM.                                                       Moriah is the Released                         the orphan houses there.  Continued on page 12
                                                                                                                                                            Time Coordinator.
       Summer 2018                                             10                                                                                                                        11                 
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