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WE LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS!                                                                                           THANK YOU FOR 20+ YEARS OF SERVICE

           Interested in being a CBM Volunteer? Sign up at                                   TO THE LORD AS CBM MISSIONARIES!

      What an amazing God we serve, who blesses us far more than we could ask or think! He continually sends CBM
      willing and able volunteers to serve in incredible ways. Not only do these volunteers save CBM significant amounts
      of money each year, but they enable us to accomplish projects that we otherwise would not be able to do at all.

      Volunteers range in age from 8 (adult-supervised) to 86, and are all equally motivated and gifted! God sends us
      contractors, electricians, foremen, construction workers, seamstresses, cooks, and thankfully, plenty of people to
      clean and landscape. We could not be more grateful!

      We hold a minimum of three Volunteer Work Weeks annually at National Headquarters, in addition to the weeks                                                                    Cathy Garber            Bill Richoux          Jerry Traister
      held at the CBM camps across the nation.                                                                                       Bob & Debbie              Jim & Mary                                       41 Years
                                                                                                                                        Johnson                   Miller               42 Years                                       37 Years
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Jan Richoux          Marie Traister
                                                                                                                                        57 Years                 46 Years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                35 Years              33 Years


       “CBM work has been the most fulfilling thing I have done since I   “Eleven years ago we heard about Camp Gilead for the first time
       retired. Eve and I have talked and said we wish we had millions   from friends who had volunteered there. They encouraged us to
       so we could give for this or some special project CBM needs, but   go and see if it was something we would be interested in doing.                      Dave & Kathy          Barb Shearer             Paul LaRue
       then we think that maybe God would not get the glory if it was   Joe had been given a very serious medical diagnosis and we knew   Diane Wagner           Johnson                                        31 Years            Mark Redka
       ‘bought’ rather than God providing in his timing.          if we were going to volunteer it had to be that year. He was not       35 Years                 34 Years              34 Years                                      31 Years
                                                                  expected to have another opportunity. So we decided to give it a                                                                                                 Roberta Redka
       The devil is working so hard to bring down the USA, and we   try for 5 weeks, which represented a tithe of our time.                                                                                                           27 Years
       need to thank God for all the children that CBM has brought into
       the fold. I believe it is the best place in the world to spend your   We thought we had a lot of different talents to offer the camp,
       dollars. Now Lincoln & Jamie have started the internship and that   since we had done a tremendous amount of renovation work! Boy
       is bringing in great young people to serve the Lord. I praise the   were we quickly humbled! We were able to contribute a lot of work
       Lord for all the great people that we have met, folks from all walks   for the Kingdom, but we learned you can’t out give God. We had
       of life that have given their retirement days and money for God’s   asked for prayer for Joe’s tumor from the other volunteers.
                                                                  As we worked at camp that year we felt like we had contributed to
       I remember Bear Lodge, Jerry had it rented before the trees were   the ministry for the kids who would come to camp. We tiled one of
       cut from property. THAT’S faith. The blessing we got from building   the cabins that year, and Joe was able to get enough tile donated
       that building with the rain pouring down our backs as O.C. and I   to do all of the cabins.
       wired the bottom floor. A person gave 100 light fixtures and it so
       happened that Cornerstone needed some light fixtures, when we   We went back home and got back to our regular routine. Gradually        Bob & Judy              Steve & Barb              Bobby & Karen                 Jeff & Ann
       got there with them, they were the EXACT same fixtures that were   we noticed that Joe’s symptoms were not as severe. He went             Virgili                 Shertzer                   Williams                    Nelson
       in the building, GOD THING?                                for another PET scan and the tumor was gone!!! There is no                     25 Years                22 Years                    22 Years                   20 Years
                                                                  other explanation other than God chose to bless our efforts in
       We have enjoyed working on projects for CBM since 2000 and   furthering His Kingdom!                                                           On March 3, 2018, a legacy was left here on earth by a wonderful man named Mike Whitehouse, as he
       wish we had known about it earlier, you think that you are giving                                                                              went to be forever with His Savior. In the words of one of CBM’s missionaries, “He was kind and patient.
       a blessing to someone else but the Lord sure blesses you when   This past winter was our 11th year of volunteering, primarily at
       you give of your time. We have met so many great people from all   CBM camps. We have tiled every cabin as well as most of the                 He was gentle and uncomplaining. He loved children and he was passionate about sharing the Gospel
       walks of life. To us, CBM is the best place to give of your time and   other buildings on the [campuses]. We have been tremendously            with them. The one thing that really bothered him about his declining health was that it limited what he
       support if you want to receive a blessing.”                blessed by working in camp ministry and will continue to do so as                   could do for the Lord.” Following Mike’s retirement from the military, Mike dedicated his life to serving
                                                                  long as we are able. It is so encouraging to us to see the kids reap                God. He was the Director of CBM’s Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go for 8 years, and a Released Time teacher in
       Ken and Evelyn Wright                                      the benefit of camp. It definitely changes lives.”                                  Johnson County, TN for over 20 years. Mike also served on the CBM National Board for many years, and
                                                                                                                                                      was a source of soft-spoken wisdom and strength. We honor his life as one well-spent for the Lord, and
                                                                  Joe and Nancy Hoell                                                                 He is greatly missed, but we look forward to reuniting with him one day in eternity.

       Summer 2018                                             16                                                                                                                         5                 
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