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                                                                                                                                                       We Need Your Support!

                            NATIONAL DIRECTORS

                                          “Yesterday afternoon, we picked up our sweet girl from Camp Gilead and went for dinner.   Thank  you  for  being  partners  with  us  in  Kingdom-building  work.  We  would
                                          God answered every single prayer I had for our girl this week…every single one!! We prayed   not have the capacity to reach as many children with the Gospel without your
                                          she would find Christ. She had made baby steps toward that decision but this year, she   support. God has burdened us to send out increasing numbers of missionaries
                                          cemented it for herself. (She even said she wanted to find a church to get baptized.)
                                                                                                                                  to start new areas of ministry. The need is great! Expansion of CBM is necessary
                                          While  I  prayed  for  many  things,  I  had  forgotten…that  camp  would  give  her  confidence   to help meet these needs. Philippians 4:19 tells us that, “My God shall supply
                                          and help her find courage. Camp Gilead taught me more about myself and how to be the    all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” We cling to this
                                          teacher and friend that I am today, than I thought or remembered. God changed me during   great promise. Will you pray about being the way God meets these needs?
                                          all those summers, years ago…but Camp Gilead also ‘built me.’ It gave me confidence,
                                          courage, knowledge…it taught me to love people well.                                    Here are some ways you can be a part of expanding CBM’s ministry:
                                          I’m so thankful for my own experiences BUT, more importantly, I am so thankful for [my
                                          granddaughter’s] experiences. God was good and faithful. We certainly received ‘more    Expansion Fund:
                                          than we could ever ask or imagine.’ I remain so incredibly thankful for (yet another) ‘life   This fund allows us to raise up the next generation of missionaries, and also helps us open up new areas in
                                          that was changed.’”                                                                     which missionaries can serve.
                                          ---Grandmother of a 1st time camper in summer 2018                                      Support a Missionary:
                                                                                                                                  Many of our missionaries are in the process of raising support to be full-time on the field. Could you help meet
       In case there is any doubt after reading this precious letter, this is why we do what we do. This is why we sacrifice anything the
       Lord asks, to serve Him full-time with CBM. The Lord has provided CBM with a ministry that He uses to change so many lives,   their need by being a monthly supporter?
       including our own.
                                                                                                                                  Building Fund:
       We are so thankful to the countless churches who have commissioned and sent missionaries into this plentiful harvest of CBM.   Outdoor Chapel - God has given us one of the most amazing views on top of the mountain at HQ, and we desire
       We are blessed and amazed by the countless ministry partners who sacrificially give so that these missionaries can serve the Lord   for people from everywhere to be able to enjoy His beautiful creation. This worship facility would include a deck
       full-time with CBM. We are in awe of the innumerable prayer warriors and financial partners who are behind the CBM missionaries.   and observation tower.

       God uses willing servants who are unafraid to say “YES” to Him, regardless of the cost. These are the people who make up CBM,   Conference Center - We need more lodging and a place to gather our missionaries for meetings and training. We
       and it is only through His work in their hearts that they are able to do this.                                             have outgrown the space at HQ. We must build or buy to be able to meet our growing need.
                                                                                                                                  Tiny House Renovation - We purchased a tiny house for less than $1,000, but it is a true “handyman special!” We
       We invite you to join us in watching and participating in the Lord’s work as He continues to use CBM and its missionaries and   are raising funds to be able to move this to HQ and renovate it for Intern/Missionary housing.
       volunteers to accomplish His work this next year! We expect to be completely in awe!
                                                                                                                                  It is so important for us to be “Redeeming the Time.” Thank you for the part you play in this!
                                                                               Lincoln and Jamie  Simmons
                                                                                                                                                                                      TO GIVE:
                                                                                                                                      -Enclose a check payable to CBM in the enclosed envelope, with a note stating what your donation is for.
                       Stay In Touch!                                                                                                                       -Visit to give securely online.

       The Channel is printed and mailed on an annual basis. If you                     Follow Us!                                                                        All donations are tax-deductible.
      wish to hear from us more often about how God is working in                          CBM:
       CBM, contact us to be added to our list to receive monthly or
                         bimonthly e-mails.                                           You are invited to CBM’s 5th Annual Harvest Auction

                               Mail:                                                       TRC:                                                                                      $10/ticket
                               CBM                                                                                     Includes: Live and Silent Auction, Dinner
                       160 Bear Lodge Drive                                                                    Saturday, November 18th
                       Townsend, TN  37882                                                                                                                                  1st Baptist Church of Powell
                                                                                     CBM Internship:                                                                              Powell, TN 37849
                         Fax 865-448-1233                                                            To RSVP or inquire about donating items: e-mail
          Children’s Bible Ministries Office: 865-448-1200                      Instagram: @cbminternlife
         Tuckaleechee Retreat Center Office: 800-487-6659

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