Page 13 - TRC Website Guidebook 2022
P. 13

Hiking Checklist

     It’s always good to be prepared for your hike in the Smokies!! Here is our recommended
     checklist for a safe and enjoyable hike:

     Bears in the Smoky Mountains

     Whether you see a black bear at Tuckaleechee Retreat Center or on a hike in the
     National Park, it is good to be prepared with bear knowledge. While black bears are

     generally harmless and often move away when they hear humans, they are
     unpredictable, wild creatures that can be dangerous. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to protect yourself
     and also keep these beautiful creatures safe. Please note that willfully approaching a bear in the National
     Park within 50 yards is illegal.

       You can often safely observe a bear from a distance, but if the bear approaches you, slowly back away
         and find a safe place, preferably in a building or in your car.

       Do not, under any circumstance, leave food or garbage sitting outside. Always place in a dumpster or
         trash can.

       Do not leave little ones unattended outside.

       Do not feed the bears any kind of food, even if they approach you.

       Do not leave food or drinks in your car.

       Do lock your car doors.

       Do lock your cabin doors and windows, especially when you are away
         from the cabin.

       For more info:

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