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1935                                           1935-1936                               1939-1941

               There were 47 children eligible, with 32 attending this first camp, held in   Reeds attended the prayer meetings in St. Peters-  It was thought advisable to move the National
               August, 1935.  It was a never to be forgotten experience and well worth the   burg. They were asked to help with the first   Office to St. Petersburg in 1939 since the presi-
               heartaches and days of toil.  The Lord met every need.  Much food was do-  camp. They bought a small trailer to house them-  dent and treasurer of CBM were located there,
               nated, including a crate of oranges, 15 watermelons, five stalks of bananas,   selves and their son, Melvin, and parked it on the   as well as other board members.
               and ice cream.  A young calf was also given, which supplied meat for the   outskirts of Lakeland. Over rough roads, along   E.R. Kellogg served as treasurer.
                        entire week, served as roast, steak, stew, and hash.   pine trails, through swamps and creeks they
              One teacher came to camp with nine of her pupils.  She said, "Oh, how I wish   went, visiting schools. As other workers were
              the other teacher in our school could have been here--perhaps she would have   provided, they moved to north Florida. The Lord   1941 The National Office was moved back to
                            gotten what these children and I did."         richly blessed the ministry of the Reeds in the   Lakeland and Mrs. Beatrice Dash was the sec-
               Sixteen of the campers were saved and others consecrated their lives to the   schools and the summer camps of that area.    retary/bookkeeper/treasurer from 1939-1957.
                 Lord.  Camp was over, and every need met spiritually and materially!

                 First CBM camp held in August 1935 on a wooded lake 20 miles north of Tampa    Mr. & Mrs. Russell Reed and Trailer   Mrs. Beatrice Dash   Willing office helpers who kept
                                                                                                                                    the ministry growing

                           ―Reaching Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today, with the Word of God‖

               As the Jensens drove on and talked with other mothers and children, both white and black, they found a great spiritual need in all of these isolated areas, most of them
             miles from any church.  In talking with one little fellow, they asked him if he knew John 3:16.  He solemnly replied, "No, I don't know him, where does he live?"
             But how could these hundreds of boys and girls be reached?  Why, of course, in the schools!  They must go to school.  Would the school authorities permit a Bible pro-
             gram? "Suffer the little children to come unto Me...for of such is the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:14)

             THE PLACE
               After a more extended survey the following June, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen knew that this was to be their future field of service.  In September
             of  the same year the Jensen family moved to Florida.  Their destination was Orlando, which they felt would be a good central loca-
             tion.  However, taking the wrong fork in the road they found themselves in Tampa.  They again headed for Orlando, but car trouble devel-
             oped and they only got as far as the outskirts of Lakeland.  The car stalled right in front of a tourist camp and refused to go farther,  While
             waiting for repairs they felt strongly impressed that the Lord would have them remain in Lakeland.  Later developments proved that it
             WAS the place of His choosing.  "And He led them forth by the right way...(Psalm 107:7)

             THE PATTERN
               After laboring alone for two years, the Jensens wrote their good friend, J. Lloyd Hunter, founder of the Canadian Sunday School Mission,
             asking him to come to Florida that they might have the benefit of his experience in forming an organization.  This letter was laid aside and
             completely forgotten.  Mr. Jensen telegraphed from Florida by way of heaven, spending the night in prayer.  The letter was brought to
             mind and Mr. and Mrs. Hunter were soon on their way south.  Mr. W. H. Adamson, president of Shantyman's Christian Association, was also in Florida at the time.  Be-
             cause of their many years of service as executives in their respective organizations,  the counsel and help of these men were invaluable.
               A weekly prayer meeting was begun; to seek the Lord's guidance and to pray for open doors into the schools.  CBM was born in prayer!  A Bible Memory Plan to be
             carried on in the public schools was presented to a small group of Christian  business and professional men, and on February 5, 1935, the organization now known as Chil-
             dren's Bible Mission came into being in St. Petersburg, Florida, with headquarters in Lakeland.  It was later incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida.
               It was agreed that Children's Bible Mission should be known as a faith work, looking to the Lord alone for the supply of every need.  Faith was severely tested and there
             were times of travail and discouragement, but when the "enemy came in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifted up a standard against him."  "He abideth faithful." The
             past twenty-five years have been one continuous miracle of God's wonderful provision in answer to believing prayer.
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